Why you MUST let your children fail
What is the gift of failure?
“Really Gift of Failure is…about fostering intrinsic motivation in kids—getting kids to want to do something for the sake of the thing itself.” ~Jessica Lahey, The Gift of Failure
When children don’t have the opportunity to fail when they are young and stakes are low, they don’t have the skills and resilience to bounce back when then they are older and the stakes are higher. They need to develop the systems and attitude that allow them to go after what they want and need without us, as parents and educators, taking over and doing it for them.
But how do we do it and what do we say to our kids about failure? We talk all about this topic on the new episode of How to Talk to Kids about the Gift of Failure with the fabulous best-selling author, Jessica Lahey! Get it on iTunes here or on our website here!
This episode focuses on the importance of allowing kids to fail so that they learn how to bounce back and succeed. Discover why it is vital for parents and educators to allow young people to experience the disappointment, frustration and struggle that occurs when they are challenged by life’s problems. Then find out specific ways that we can help our kids learn from failure, create systems and even embrace failure so that our children can get on the path to becoming successful, resilient and self-reliant adults. As always, targeted tips and scripts are provided so you can take this information and apply it right away in your home or classroom!
I can’t wait to hear what you think! And if you love this episode like I did, it would be so awesome to have you subscribe, rate and review it on iTunes so that others learn all about it! And please, feel free to share it!
Happy Listening!