Talking to kids about Traumatic Events – important tool

Sweet friends; What should you say or do to help your children when traumatic events happen? In the wake of the ChristChurch shootings in New Zealand– I wanted to provide some helpful resources to anybody/everybody who may speak with children about what they’re hearing/seeing in the news and online.

1.) Here’s a link to download my infographic on How to Talk to Kids About Scary Things Presented in the News 


2.) My hope is this interview with Hey Sigmund – Karen Young on how to the #talktokids podcast helps our global neighbors. My heart goes out to all those who have been affected by this act of terror.

Wishing you love and peace.


Dr. Robyn


Every Child Has SuperPowers: What are YOUR Child’s Strengths?

EVERY CHILD HAS SUPERPOWERS: ? I keep this photo on my desk while I work. It’s of my son from when he was 4 years old (he’s now 7). To me, it reminds me that every child has strengths- gifts that can bless this world and make it s better place to be.

Of course, sometimes those strengths are hidden by old wounds, scars, or sticky labels or covered-over by frustrating behaviors or diagnoses that seem to pop to the forefront like ADHD, ASD, OCD or other neurodiverse brain differences.

It’s not always easy to remember this as a #parent, #coach or #teacher when #kids can push just the right buttons to make us feel a little ?????. I totally get that and I’m right their with you. That Sweet-faced guy in the ?Superman suit ?can drive me bonkers. ? He’s the new Dennis the Menace- if anyone remembers that comic!

But he’s also really bright and clever. Kind-hearted and funny. ❤️And can find anything that you thought you lost do good. We call him “the finder of all lost things.” He can spell words that I have trouble spelling- how does he do that? ❓❓❓He builds amazing things out of blocks and can play #chess like he’s been playing his whole life (he only just started). And when he says “I love you” and gives you an honest to goodness hug, well, he might just melt your heart.

?So- superpowers. What are your #children ‘s superpowers? I’d love to hear about them below!? Or go to my instagram or facebook page to discuss!

Aspects of thinking about when to search for electronic games: Killer Instinct

Cybersport video game tournaments, especially among experienced players, are very popular. Esports is a huge global industry, with an unprecedented growth year on year. In the market there are such various digital games in which a multi-user focus, which starts with a simple viewing, professional computer games can be intimidating. After all, this guide for the best esports games is designed to gently push you in the right direction. Maybe too much choice. You only need to see how many thousands of people go to the arenas to watch eSports competitions to see that the electronic gaming industry is growing in popularity from targeted markets to the mainstream. Sometimes gamers become third-party developers, which allows using more open models of game design. In addition, there are many possibilities. Honestly, since eSports is one of the most favorite entertainment, people like to buy games. Here we discussed some important questions to keep in mind, as well as how you can find options to get started.

Is the competing video game a sport?

Do not forget, think about fighting games. But, when considering a game, such as Killer Instinct, you should try to gain important points. Actually Killer Instinct is one of the best games that you will find. In addition to the availability of the game, the players themselves and their interesting rivalry lead this esports to even greater heights.

Basic information about the Killer instinct.

If you request a keyword in the search engine “Fighting Games”, a list of mammons with different tournaments will appear. Of course, this is usually a good idea, especially your first time out. Accordingly, as technology advances, some types of software seem to meet many of the needs of players. Undoubtedly, there are several ways how to participate in e-sports tournaments. Also, compare the plans. Decide between the various sentences of playable Online Casino Canada – NBSO.

If you have more questions about this, you are reading our special article. In addition, there are more online sources that tend to use more chances that you have a lot. Accordingly, with this information you should now see how easy it is to choose the ideal e-sports tournament. If you have additional questions about eSports tournaments, read our next article.

Interested in eSports tournaments: Marvel vs. Capcom?

A variety of games, such as racing, are popular among users. Positively, in Europe there are various e-sports gaming museums, including the Museum of Soviet arcade machines in Moscow. Professional e-sports companies and experienced players come here to earn big money, and sponsors visit in the hope of using the developing market. Finally, to win money from tournament wins, players can also be paid a separate team salary. While the practice of the electronic gaming industry is similar to practice in other entertainment industries, however, in particular, the electronic games industry is accused of poorly handling its development talent. The volume of events increased in tandem with the growth of the online audience. Those who participate in esports tournaments, as a rule, should behave honestly, carrying out both the basic term established by the teams, and the following well-known esports rules. All video games basically offer different advantages and disadvantages. In these last days, when the market is flooded with various companies developing a variety of electronic games, participating in such tourneys is no longer a dream for USA people.

What to look for in games for eSports: Marvel vs. Capcom?

Below are a few key points about Marvel vs. Capcom. Positively, there are many reasons why families should consider this issue. Do you know what this really is? Have you ever read about this?

Where you can read the correct information about Marvel vs. Capcom?

When you are not sure of the type of game that you need, you can do research. If you are looking for a tournament, you have several options. Many people say that price is an important factor to consider when ordering a tournament. Then choose a respectable e-sports tournament. On the other hand, you need to spend some time so that you can choose the best. Also, compare the plans. Choose between offers of divers.

Save the above information, do some research to find out if the game is right for you. In fact, you must be careful when deciding on the beginning. It is a fact that there are many aspects that determine the definition of real estate. After you have chosen the tournament, do not forget to look at the casino rating table

Evolution of Another Body Image Conversation with my Daughter

monsterhighMy daughter is rounding the corner to age seven in February and if there is one thing I’ve discovered in the time that I’ve been her mother, it’s that all “big talks” are really just a series of small conversations about big issues. Body image is no exception.

Since I talk about body image in many of my presentations and keynote addresses, it’s no surprise that this is a hot button issue for me. I want my daughter to feel confident AND also know how to discern negative messages that come to us in the smallest, most benign-seeming packages. Studies tell us that consistent exposure to images, videos and other media that show extremely thin, unrealistic depictions of girls and women, can have an adverse effect on the body image, self image, attitudes and feelings of girls (and boys as well!).

Many parents and caring adults (mentors, teachers, family members) who have contact with girls (and boys!) often ask me for examples of specific conversations I’ve had with my own children so they can see how to have one of these small conversations that can make a big difference. Of course, your own presence, interest and love will come out in your own words. As I often say, “be ready!” These conversations can sneak up on you. AND if you aren’t quite ready– just tell your child; “I want to think about my answer for a little bit because it’s important– and I will get back to  you later on today. OK?” Then, make sure to follow up! And, if you missed an opportunity or you wish you said something else– no worries! There is no expiration date on do-overs! We all need them. ?

Here’s how my conversation went with my own daughter yesterday and today:

T, age 6 3/4, looking at a toy catalog: Mommy? Why don’t you like Monster High Dolls?
Me: Well, I don’t like that all of the dolls have the same, very unrealistically thin body that nobody would ever have in real life. Also, they are extremely made-up and the outfits aren’t appropriate as they are very short and tight. I wish they looked and acted more like real girls who all look different–girls who have healthy bodies of all different shapes and sizes– with kind faces rather than all those mean scowls all the time.
Later that day…
T: I did realize one positive about Monster High Dolls, Mommy. They come in different colors.
Me: Yes, I like that too. Because we are all different colors, aren’t we?
This morning…
T: You know Mommy, you’re right. These Monster High Dolls have the skinniest legs that nobody could ever really have. They look weird and then they have these big feet in very high heels that you can’t do anything in ever. They should make them look more like real girls. ‘Cause that would make sense!


Dr. Robyn Signature





International Women’s Day: What Stands in the Way of More Women Leaders?

silverman_headshotIt’s International Women’s Day—a day to reflect on the amazing women and girls in our lives but also to ponder what’s to come for the up and coming women in the world.

As the mother of a young girl and a speaker who works with girls and women with regard to leadership, confidence, mentoring, and the barriers that stand in our way, I see so much potential in today’s girls.  Yet, I think there is some work to do in order to help them to become the leaders they are meant to be.

We know that there is still an imbalance when it comes to the number of women vs men in leadership positions. This is true in business as well as in government.  Women have a great deal to offer but many are not taking their rightful place in this world—which for many, is in front…leading the pack.

How do potential women leaders stand in their own way of success?

(1) Pleasing others instead of pleasing ourselves:  Many girls and women are known “people pleasers.” They want to be liked. They want to be admired. They want to feel useful.  And while there is nothing wrong with being liked, admired, and useful—many girls and women will sacrifice what they want in order to “do” for others.  Leaders do what is right and what is needed- but they also follow their own bliss.  They assume their rightful place in this world not because others put them there or others don’t want the job but because they are doing exactly what they were meant to do.  When a girl or woman follows her our own bliss, they are always in the lead. Nobody can usurp the position that has someone else’s name on it.

(2) Perception of ceiling: We’ve heard for years about a glass ceiling that is impenetrable by women in business.  But every time I hear something like that, I think of Roger Bannister, a runner who was told it was impossible to run a 4-minute mile.  It had never been done! And then he did it. Immediately following, others did it. I think if we sell ourselves and our daughters a bill of goods that this ceiling exists, they will believe it.  What they believe is what they will see.  Leaders don’t look at ceilings—they look at what’s beyond it.

(3) Distraction: Girls receive hundreds of messages each day telling them that they need to look and act a certain way if they are going to be deemed worthy by others.  Questions loom in their heads; Am I thin enough? Too ugly?  Pretty? Do I seem like too much of a know-it-all?  Do people like me? Do guys like me?  Am I sexy? As I told the New York Times when they did a piece yesterday about girls’ need to always be camera ready, “the preoccupation with ‘How do I look?’ may well be getting in the way of living authentically. They are looking outward in at themselves — constantly thinking of the mirror rather than being fully engaged in the conversation, the activity or the learning.” With one eye on one’s goals and another eye on how they look (or how they think they are perceived) while going after their goals, how are girls supposed to make it to the top?

(4) The ‘who the heck do you think you are’ complex? I have had my own run-ins with this goal-grabbing question.  It’s the lesser-known cousin of “survivor guilt.” We question our right to achieve—and even the right to consider going after a particular goal. Am I worthy enough? What will others think? Why would anyone want to work with me? Why would anyone want to give me this chance, this job, or this award?  Leaders don’t wonder if they should achieve, they make it happen.

(5) Overloaded- all things to all people: We are notorious for over-scheduling. We say yes. We over-yes.  Spread so thin we nearly crack, our ability to concentrate on our own gifts and our own path diminish. Who has the time?  Leaders don’t just make the time amidst everything.  They say ‘no’ to many opportunities or requests so that they can honor the path they are on.

(6) Lack of tangible, known women role models & mentors: With so many anti-role models out there, it’s difficult at times to tease out who the winners are.  Women in power are often cut down and labeled in a snarky world of politics and Hollywood appearance standards. Reality TV stars from girls glamorized on 16 and pregnant to Snooki getting into bar fights and hooking up, are lavished with attention and paid handsomely for their appearances nation-wide. The message tells us that those women and girls who are celebrated are not those who do great things but those who entertain us, look the part, and do what will get ratings.  Step out of line and you will be denigrated. We need our girls to align themselves with real, unscripted mentors and leaders who can show them what true strength, perseverance, and courage looks like.  No matter what other people say.

(7) Asking the wrong question: Many girls and women allow themselves to get sidetracked and shut down on their path to success when someone doesn’t like their idea, doesn’t want to help them, or has a bad attitude.  Girls often wonder; “How can I change her mind? “ They begin to ponder; “if only she were different, then I could…” They allow the power to rest in their challenger rather than within themselves. No. Leaders take control. They accept the fact that a barrier exists and then ask themselves; “how can I get what I want or need even if this barrier is standing in my way?”

And while there needs to be an education process—to show men and boys what girls and women can offer without the *nudge, nudge, wink, wink* that statement often is slathered with—I refuse to say that the end-all-be-all answer to more women leaders lies in the hands of changing the minds of our men. Yes, as a mother of a boy I have a responsibility to raise a man who respects women—but I also must be accountable for the type of gutsy, focused, authentic girl I raise too. Not to mention, I must show her an example of what it means to be a female leader in my own life.

Who the heck do I think I am?  I’m her mother.


PS. My friend, Amy Jussel, wrote an outstanding piece regarding what people are doing with social media and education to celebrate International Women’s Day…here.

International Women’s Day: What Stands in the Way of More Women Leaders? is a post from: Dr. Robyn Silverman – Child Development Specialist, Body Image Expert, Success Coach & the Creator of the Powerful Words Character Development System