Tag Archive for: Dr. Robyn Silverman
How to Talk to Kids about Self-Injury with Dr. Janis Whitlock – Rerelease
/in PodcastThis podcast will focus on self-injury and how to help young people who are self-harming to find healthier ways to cope with stress, pain and big emotions. Those who are self-injuring are not attempting to die by suicide but rather aiming to find a way to feel better. Those who self-injure need help and Dr. Janis Whitlock provides the information we need to best support and understand those who are self-injuring.
How to Talk to Kids About Divorce with Christina McGhee – Rerelease
/in PodcastSpecial Guest: Christina McGhee
This podcast provides:
Tips: How to prepare to tell the kids about divorce and what to know, when best to say it and what to do if you are going to do so. The dos and don’ts of talking to kids about divorce.
Scripts: What to say, step by step, when you need to tell your kids about a divorce in the family.
Steps: The steps to take before you talk to your kids about getting a divorce.
Barriers to success: Putting the kids in the middle, our own feelings about the experience, our assumption that our kids are “fine” and already know and understand.
How to Talk to Kids about Depression, Substance Abuse and Suicide with Anne Moss Rogers – Rerelease
/in PodcastSpecial Guest: Anne Moss Rogers
This podcast will focus on how to talk to kids about depression, substance abuse and suicide from the perspective of a mother whose child died by suicide in 2015. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 10 and 24, only behind unintentional injury, in the United States. Much of suicide has a correlation with depression and substance abuse—and while there is an epidemic of teen depression and suicide, only 45% of teen girls and 33% of teen boys who has experienced an episode of depression got treatment in 2019. It’s time to get talking. In fact, it’s talking and listening that can be the very thing that can prevent suicides from happening. We discuss the implications with Anne Moss Rogers, the author of Diary of a Broken Mind on this episode of How to Talk to Kids about Anything.