How to Talk to Kids about Meaning & Purpose in a Secular Age with Katherine Ozment Rerelease

This podcast focuses on talking to kids about finding meaning, connection, and purpose even if they are not raised in a religious family—or if they are raised in a family without religion at all. Tips and scripts are provided by our guest, Katherine Ozment, author of Grace without God.

The Good News about Bad Behavior with Katherine Reynolds Lewis – ReRelease

This podcast will focus on the good news about bad behavior! Looking into some of the top parenting models, Katherine Reynolds Lewis and Dr. Robyn Silverman discuss how best to help our children thrive in different situations. Inspired by parenting models from authors and podcast guests, Dr. Ross Greene and Vicki Hoefle (among others), we discuss how to best handle different scenarios that are common in households across the world. Ultimately, we want to use connection and communication to help children learn strategies that help them to become more capable—and also allow them to learn self-regulation.

How to Talk to Kids about the Gifts & Challenges of Neurodiversity with Debbie Reber ReRelease

This podcast is about the gifts and challenges of raising neuro-diverse children and how we, as adults, educators and typically-developing children can support, encourage and help atypically-developing children thrive. What do we need to know about ADHD, autism, giftedness and more? How can we reframe, understand and pro-actively plan to help neurodiverse kids show their gifts rather than ask them to conform? Debbie Reber, author of Differently Wired, will shine high beams on solutions.