How to talk to Kids about the Death of a Pet with Wendy Van de Poll

Special Guest: Wendy Van de Poll

This podcast provides:

Plan ahead.
Know the difference between normal and abnormal grief.
Let a child grieve and allow your child to have a full breadth of feelings.
Use real words.
Discuss the life cycle.
Read books to your children about loss
Create scrap books or allow your child to write a letter to your pet

Why not to say “your dog went to sleep” and what to say instead.
How to move towards positive memories.
How to honestly but gently talk to your child when your pet is very sick and death is going to occur soon.
What to say when you are angry and loss is sudden.

Know the stages of grief and don’t rush them.
Play a positive game.
What do you remember?

How to Talk to Kids about Healthy, Caring Romantic Relationships with Dr. Richard Weissbourd

This podcast will focus on how to talk to kids about healthy, caring, romantic relationships. When you were a teen, who taught you about how to have a mutually beneficial, successful romantic relationship? Who is teaching your teen? Dr. Weissbourd and his team released a report on May 17th called The Talk: How Adults Can Promote Young Healthy Relationships and Prevent Misogyny and Sexual Harassment. This report highlights what adults have NOT been doing to help prevent misogyny among teens and to prepare young people for caring, ethical romantic and sexual relationships. This podcast expands on what Dr. Weissbourd and his team found and how we can personally answer the question: What do we, as key adults in the lives of teens, really understand about healthy, caring romantic relationships and how can we convey this to our kids?

How to Talk to Kids about Money & Financial Responsibility with Neale Godfrey

This podcast will focus on talking to kids (and teaching kids) about money. Raising children who understand money is vital to their future financial health, independence and future fiscal behavior. Children and teens need to learn the value of money as well as how to budget, plan, earn, save, invest and give to causes and charities that mean something to them. Money management is a life skill that all children must learn—so let’s get the information we need right here!

How to talk to Kids About the Gift of Failure with Jessica Lahey

This podcast will focus on the importance of allowing children to fail. Discover why, during the school-age and teen years, it is vital for parents and educators to allow young people to experience the disappointment, frustration and struggle that occurs when they are challenged by life’s problems. Find out how failure and learning to bounce back and ultimately succeed, put children on the path to growing up and becoming successful, resilient and self-reliant adults.

How to talk to your child through the “bedtime battle” – and win…featuring Dr. Natasha Burgert

This podcast will focus on the most common toddler/early-childhood sleep problems Dr. Natasha Burgert encounters in the office—and how to fix them!

How to Talk to Kids about Big Feelings & Calming Down Strategies Featuring Dr. Lynne Kenney

As a parent or a teacher, you might have experienced moments where children experience overwhelming feelings such as anger, anxiety or agitation leading to fitful moments, tantrums and melt-downs. Today we are talking with Dr. Lynne Kenney about how to help children get calm on the spot and develop better tools and strategies for coping with BIG feelings.

How to Talk to Kids about Boyworld, Girlworld, Bullying & Cultures of Dignity Featuring Rosalind Wiseman

Special Guest: Rosalind Wiseman
This podcast provides:

Information on boyworld vs girlworld: The cultural messages and the challenges that girls vs boys are coping with in today’s society
A step-by-step plan of what to do when your child is involved with a mistake, problem or bullying issue with another child. “Just because it’s common, doesn’t make it right.”
A step-by-step plan of how to approach the other parent if your child is on the receiving end of bullying or social aggression
The difference between bullying, drama and conflict
The script for how to talk to kids about dignity, respect, conflict and relationships